In the present time, human beings are now aware of the problems we are facing with regards to the present situation of our environment. We know that the future of this planet lies in every action that we choose to take. And as responsible citizens of a rapidly developing world, we need to take actions in order to preserve our environment. But before doing this, we need to understand what these problems are and in what simple, yet, effective ways can we help in solving the said problems. Discussing this with two of my classmates, we came up with a main problem which we really think is one of the most pressing matters that we are currently facing, Energy shortage.
We came up with a Root Cause Analysis pyramid shown above. The image presents the main problem in its top, and the causes below it. Every arrow represents the question "why?", because we know that if we keep asking this specific question, we will come up with the root cause of the main problem. In this way, we will know what actions we need to take in order to help solve the problem in the main problem we chose, which is energy shortage.
As a group, we have concluded that the current problem in energy shortage could be solved if we would rely less on "wasteful" or energy consuming technology. We had this conclusion because we have observed that people nowadays are fond of utilizing wasteful technology. From inefficient car engines to simple devices we use everyday like laptops and mobile phones. We just consume and waste energy without thinking of the possible consequences of our actions. If only we could rely less on these wasteful technology, we could greatly contribute in solving the energy crisis.